Friday, November 24, 2017

Reflections by Allama Iqbal

1.           Human intellect is nature’s attempt at self-criticism.
2.            Individuals and nations die; but their children, i.e. ideas, never die.
3.            Divine life is in touch with the whole universe on the analogy of the soul's contact with the body.
4.            A wrong concept misleads the understanding; a wrong deed degrades the whole man, and may eventually demolish the structure of the human ego.
5.            Self-Control in individuals builds families; in communities, it builds empires.
6.            Justice is an inestimable treasure; but we must guard it against the thief of mercy.
7.            Government, whatever its form, is one of the determining forces of a people’s character
8.            To explain the deepest truths of life in the form of homely parables requires extraordinary genius. 
9.            If ethics is to be an experimental science like other sciences, it must be based on the revelations of human experience.
10.         Philosophy is the logic of  right, history the logic of might. The cannons of this later logic appear to be more sound than those of her sister logic.
11.         Belief is a great power. When I see that a proposition of mine is believed by another mind, my own conviction of its truth is thereby immensely increased.
12.         Our Soul discovers itself when we come into contact with a great mind. It is not until I had realised the Infinitude of Goethe’s imagination that I discovered the narrow breadth of my own.
13.         You fail in your enterprise, and now you wish to leave your home and try your luck in other climes. It is not because your ambition has received a fresh spur from your failure; but chiefly because you wish to hide your face from those who have witnessed your failure

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